the supply of attainable housing

Our mission is to provide quality attainable housing in disinvested communities counteracting gentrification, blight, and racial inequities while encouraging generational wealth creation through homeownership and utilizing an equitable economic development and empowerment model.

Our vision is to serve as the foremost experts in creating attainable housing empowering Black and Brown families across the country.
Together with our partners, we focus on the area of greatest need – the massive shortage of attainable homes – to achieve five critical goals:

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Increase the supply of Attainable Housing meeting the needs of America’s working-class families.
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Advance economic prosperity for Black and Minority populations impacted by decades of systematic racism in housing.
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Transform communities through collaboration with existing human capital by creating catalytic ecosystems.
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Implement measurable action plans with clear quantitative and qualitative metrics closing the wealth gap in Black and Minority communities.
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Empower sustainable community building utilizing wholistic development strategies throughout every phase of the project.
How Long Have You Been In Business?Equitable Development Partners, LLC was started in September 2022. However, the Principals have more than 20 years of real estate sales, property management, planning, and development experience encompassing small-scale and large-scale projects.
Do You Have References?References are available upon requests. The Principals’ bios are also available for review.
How Does Your Company Organize Your Communication Systems?EDP utilizes Gant Charts and robust industry CRM software to monitor projects and to effectively and efficiently communicate with contractors, designers, engineers, and act as the liaison for our clients.
What Is Your Financial Capacity?EDP is an efficient company with a wide cadre of investors and financial resource partners aligned with our mission, vision, and goals. To this end, we understand our investors requirements for investment and only bring projects that meet our ability to deliver.
How Do We Get Started With EDP?First, complete the brief questionnaire and be sure to indicate the best time to reach you by phone or email. Ideally, a face to face consultation is preferred so all can gain a level of comfort and greater sense of who we are as people. During this consultation, we will ask probative questions to understand your vision and goals. If we determine that we are aligned, then we will proceed to perform some basic due diligence and develop a fee proposal including our scope of work. The workflow, timeline, and terms of the agreement will all depend on the breadth and depth of the project and related responsibilities.
How Much Time Does It Take To Complete A Project?No two projects are ever the same no matter what. Generally, we can give an estimated timeline for a specific project. However, without performing a deeper dive into the particulars, a more reliable schedule cannot be produced.
Who Designs Your Projects?We are fortunate to have relationships with some of the best architects, engineers, and design experts in the industry. However, the design of every project starts with the client’s vision and the property itself as both communicate to the developer in their own way. We pride ourselves on listening to understand and creating a product better than the client ever imagined.
For any inquiries, please call us:
Keshia Sanders, Principal
Marvin Lyman, Principal
Contact us
Please contact us to learn more about investing in current and future projects or to learn more about securing development services to bring your project to the market.